Signature Hash ALL
- The signature hash marker determines which inputs and outputs of the transaction are endorsed.
- The inputs & outputs of the transaction which are not endorsed can be modified after the endorsement is built.
- Sighash ALL (0x01)
- Endorses/Signs all inputs and outputs of transaction
- Endorsement becomes invalid if these are modifed.
- The serialised transaction sets other input scripts and sequences to 0.
Signature Hash NONE
- Sighash NONE (0x02)
- Endorses none of the outputs.
- Outputs can be modified anytime after the endorsement is built.
- The serialised transaction sets other input scripts and sequences to 0.
- The serialised transaction sets outputs to 0.
Signature Hash SINGLE
- Sighash SINGLE (0x03)
- Endorses all inputs and single output of the same index.
- Non-endorsed outputs can be modified anytime after the endorsement is built.
- The serialised transaction sets other input scripts and sequences to 0.
- The serialised transaction sets non-endorsed output fields to 0.
- ANYONECANPAY is a sighash modifier, which is set to modify any of sighash types ALL|NONE|SINGLE.
- It allows all other inputs to be modified.
- It is applied to the marker: Sighash Byte|0x80
- For example:
- Sighash ALL|ANYONECANPAY (0x81)
- Endorses/Signs single input and all outputs of transaction
- The serialised transaction only includes single input, but all outputs.